Did you know that mine water, although integral to mining processes, can pose a serious threat to the environment? Acidification, salinisation, or temperature changes of water entering ecosystems can have a dramatic impact on their equilibrium. From this case study, you will learn how pH and conductivity measurement can effectively control these threats. Read on to find out how mine water can be managed effectively and in accordance with legal standards to protect the environment!
Mine water is not just waste from the mining process - its impact on the environment is significant. Chemical pollutants, such as sulphur compounds, cause acidification of water and soils, which eliminates sensitive plant and animal species. Salinisation, resulting from water discharges from coal mines, not only limits the possibility of water use in agriculture, but also has a negative impact on aquatic organisms. In addition, the higher temperature of these waters entering rivers or lakes disrupts local ecosystems. All this makes precise control of parameters such as pH, conductivity or temperature crucial to minimising the negative effects of mining activities.
One coal mine was facing a typical mine water management problem. High concentrations of sulphur compounds were leading to acidification of the waters and their high conductivity indicated significant salinity. The client needed a comprehensive monitoring system for these parameters that would not only allow precise measurements, but also allow easy maintenance of the measuring equipment under harsh industrial conditions. A key requirement was also the possibility of temperature compensation to make the results as reliable as possible.
To meet the customer's challenges, we implemented a system based on advanced measurement equipment. We installed seven CTI-500 split conductivity meters and seven AQUIS 500pH transmitters , which we combined with extremely robust Tecline HD type pH probes . In addition, to simplify the maintenance and calibration process, we have used special interchangeable fittings to allow rapid removal of the probes without draining the pipelines. Each unit is also equipped with Pt100 or Pt1000 temperature sensors to ensure accurate temperature compensation.
Our solution not only enables continuous monitoring of pH and conductivity, but also provides full control of mine water temperature. This makes it possible to precisely manage its further purification processes, including filtration, neutralisation or desalination.
By using an advanced measurement system, the client gained the ability to monitor the acidity and salinity of the mine water in real time. Continuous temperature-compensated measurements produced high-precision results, significantly improving water treatment processes prior to discharge into the environment. This solution not only contributed to the protection of local water ecosystems, but also allowed the mine to meet strict environmental requirements. Thanks to the interchangeable fittings, operation of the equipment has become much easier, reducing maintenance costs and increasing the efficiency of the technical team.
Właściwy monitoring parametrów wód kopalnianych to nie tylko kwestia spełnienia norm środowiskowych, ale także realna możliwość ochrony ekosystemów i zwiększenia efektywności procesów przemysłowych. Dzięki nowoczesnym rozwiązaniom pomiarowym można minimalizować negatywny wpływ działalności górniczej na środowisko i jednocześnie osiągać lepsze wyniki operacyjne. Chcesz dowiedzieć się, jak podobne systemy mogą pomóc w twojej firmie? Skontaktuj się z nami już dziś, by poznać pełen potencjał naszych rozwiązań!
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