Calibration of pressure sensors

Pressure calibration

It is JUMO's aim to support its customers throughout the entire product life cycle – across all product groups and measurands. That is why pressure calibration has been part of our service for years. This way, customers benefit from our expertise, which we offer at no extra charge even when calibrating entire measuring chains – including devices from other manufacturers.

Pressure calibration in the laboratory/on site

Calibration of relative pressure according to DKD R 6-1 (German calibration service)
Measuring range -1 to -0.4 bar Extended measurement uncertainty 2 mbar (1)
Measuring range > -0.4 to 0.4 bar Extended measurement uncertainty 0.4 mbar (1)
Measuring range > 0.4 to 2 bar Extended measurement uncertainty 2 mbar (1)
Measuring range > 2 to 6 bar Extended measurement uncertainty 4 mbar (1)
Measuring range > 6 to 20 bar Extended measurement uncertainty 10 mbar (1)
Measuring range > 20 to 60 bar Extended measurement uncertainty 30 mbar (1)
Measuring range 0 to 600 bar Extended measurement uncertainty 0.35 mbar (2)
Pressure medium: (1) gas, (2) water
Calibration absolute pressure according to DKD-R 6-1 (German calibration service)
Measuring range 0.7 to 1.2 bar Extended measurement uncertainty 0.5 mbar (1)
Measuring range > 0 to 3 bar Extended measurement uncertainty 2 mbar (1)
Measuring range > 3 to 7 bar Extended measurement uncertainty 4 mbar (1)
Measuring range > 7 to 21 bar Extended measurement uncertainty 10 mbar (1)
Measuring range > 21 to 61 bar Extended measurement uncertainty 30 mbar (1)
Measuring range 1 to 601 bar Extended measurement uncertainty 0.35 mbar (2)
Pressure medium: (1) gas, (2) water

Unlimited safety due to pressure sensor calibration

As an accredited laboratory, our measurement results can be traced back to national and international standards, so that the issued calibration certificate creates international comparability and confidence for the end user. At the same time, the calibrations performed have only minimal measurement uncertainties, guarantee the reliable measurement of pressure measuring devices, and make a significant contribution to process reliability.


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