DAkkS calibration laboratory

DAkkS calibration laboratory

As a DAkkS-accredited laboratory, we develop a customized calibration strategy for the measurands pressure, temperature, and humidity. We carry out the associated calibrations in our laboratory in accordance according to common standards and directives. On-site calibrations are also possible upon request. You benefit from:

Globalization, trust, and security

Our cooperation with our DAkkS accredited laboratory means that the international market is literally open to you. After all, our DAkkS calibrations comply with internationally valid standards. Along with our many years of experience as a manufacturer of smart sensor and automation solutions, accreditation guarantees you calibration services at the highest professional level as well as quality and safety for the end user.

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Your contact

DAkkS Calibration

Krzysztof Golubski +48 71 339 32 91 +48 71 339 32 91