Bernhard Juchheim

Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter

Steffen Hoßfeld

Leiter Finanzen

Sie möchten einen Termin mit unseren Führungskräften vereinbaren?

Carina Neidert,

Nehmen Sie Kontakt auf:

CN=Carina Neidert,O=M. K. Juchheim CN=Carina Neidert,O=M. K. Juchheim CN=Carina Neidert,O=M. K. Juchheim

Verantwortlich für:

  • Produktion
  • Logistik

René Auth, Leiter Produktion

René Auth

Leiter globale Produktion

Reiner Riedl, Leiter Vertrieb

Verantwortlich für:

  • Personalbetreuung und -verwaltung
  • Personalentwicklung
  • Ausbildung
  • Studierende bei JUMO

Alexandra Dantmann, Director: Human Resources

Alexandra Dantmann

Leiterin Personal

Verantwortlich für:

  • Konstruktion
  • Sensorik
  • Hard- & Software
  • Entwicklungsdienstleistungen

Harald Schöppner, Leiter Entwicklung

Harald Schöppner

Leiter globale Entwicklung

Verantwortlich für:

  • Buchhaltung
  • Controlling
  • Einkauf
  • IT

Steffen Hoßfeld, Leiter Finanzen

Dipl.-Ing. Dimitrios Charisiadis, Geschäftsführer

Dimitrios Charisiadis


Geschäftsführer und Gesellschafter Dipl.-Kfm. Michael Juchheim ist ein Enkel des Firmengründers Moritz Juchheim

Michael Juchheim

Geschäftsführer und Gesellschafter

Geschäftsführer und Gesellschafter Dipl.-Ing. Bernhard Juchheim ist ein Sohn des Firmengründers Moritz Juchheim

Bernhard Juchheim

Geschäftsführer und Gesellschafter

JUMO Management Team


Management JUMO Poland

Innovative, superior performance for your success

Since 1948, the JUMO brand has stood for innovative products in measurement, control, and automation technology around the world. Initially, we operated in Poland as a representative of the then M. K. JUCHHEIM GmbH & Co. to change its legal form to a subsidiary in August 1999.

Over the years, we have consistently built up a wealth of experience and know-how that enables us to meet our customers' needs and expectations at the highest level. As one of the JUMO Group companies, we not only represent the market leader in specialised, state-of-the-art measuring instruments, but, together with the other companies, we have continued to build the JUMO brand and contribute to its ongoing development.

Thanks to our commitment, combined with the experience of our qualified specialists and our service and technical facilities, we have made a name for ourselves in our home market as a reliable supplier of modern, precise and highly innovative measuring devices and control systems.

Our wide range of products covers the full spectrum of products - from sensors, through temperature and pressure sensors, humidity transmitters, temperature controllers, thermostats of various specifications, devices necessary in liquid analysis or hydrostatic probes, to data loggers and complete automation systems of mTRON T series.

Our employees' quality awareness, initiative, personal responsibility and high level of training are essential to the effectiveness of our processes.

dr inż. Dawid Goiński, Managing Director

JUMO Management Team

A sense of responsibility between tradition and innovation

Global JUMO Management

We have been an owner-operated family business since its founding in 1948. CEOs and partners Bernhard Juchheim and his son Michael manage JUMO together with Managing Director Dimitrios Charisiadis. They continue the philosophy that already counted for founder Moritz Juchheim: people, values and innovation.

The company's management has been based on these values for over 70 years and knows that good employee management is the most important building block for the company's success, alongside innovative customer solutions. In addition to sustainable corporate management, to which the three managing directors have committed themselves, they jointly assume responsibility for the strategic development of the corporate group.